Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Tugas Akhir (Skripsi) Teknik Kimia: PraRancangan Pabrik Kimia

Tugas Akhir atau skripsi bagi mahasiswa Teknik Kimia adalah membuat PraRancangan Pabrik Kimia berupa studi literatur untuk merancang suatu pabrik kimia. Prarancangan dilakukan  dengan perhitungan-perhitungan Reaktor, alat-alat Unit operasi, utilitas dan evaluasi ekonomi berdasarkan teori yang telah diberikan selama masa kuliah. Perhitungan berdasarkan neraca massa, neraca panas, kinetika reaksi, kesetimbangan, utilitas dan evaluasi ekonomi.

Untuk melakukan Prarancangan Pabrik diperlukan data-data pendukung berupa sifat-sifat fisis dan kimia bahan yang terlibat, data kinetika reaksi (jika ada reaksi yang terjadi), data thermodinamika dan seterusnya.

Berdasarkan pengalaman data yang paling penting adalah data kinetika reaksi yang berdasarkan dari riset asli. Sedangkan data sifat fisis, termodinamika dan lainnya jika tidak tersedia bisa diprediksi menggunakan rumus-rumus yang sudah tersedia di literatur seperti Reid.,R.C, 1977; Perry 1984 dan lainnya dengan hasil cukup mendekati. Meskipun prediksi untuk data kinetika reaksi juga diberikan di banyak literatur termasuk J.M., Smith, 1981 namun seringkali jika dicobakan hasilnya bisa tidak masuk akal.

Berikut ini adalah sebagian judul-judul tugas akhir skripsi Prarancangan Pabrik Kimia di jurusan Teknik Kimia. Jika diklik judul akan mengarah ke laman lain yang bisa berisi data flow diagram proses, data Patent, maupun sumber literatur yang diperlukan.

 2.  Manufacture of 2-Ethylhexanol from n-Butyraldehide
 3.  Manufacture of 2-Hydroxy adipaldehyde from Acrolein
 5.  Manufacture of Acetaldehyde from Acetic Acid
 7.  Manufacture of Acetate Anhydride from Acetic Acid and Acetone
 8.  Manufacture of Acetone from Acetylene
 9.  Manufacture of Acetonitrile from Propylene and Ammonia
11. Manufacture of Acetone Cyanohydrine from Aceton and HCN
12. Manufacture of Acetone from Acetylene
      26. Manufacture of Benzene from Gasoline Pyrolysis
      27. Manufacture of Benzene from Methyl Cyclopentane
      28. Manufacture of Benzene from Toluene
31. Manufacture of Besi spon (Sponge Iron) from Besi Hematit
32. Manufacture of Biodiesel from Palm Oil and Methanol
33. Manufacture of Biogas from Manure
34. Manufacture of Bisphenol A from Benzene and Acetone
36. Manufacture of t-Butanol from IsoButylene
40. Manufacture of Calsium Citrat from Starch
41. Manufacture of Caprolactam from Cyclohexanon Oxim
44. Manufacture of Carbon Tetra Chloride from Carbon DiSulfide and Chlorine
45. Manufacture of Carbonylation of Methyl Acetate
46. Manufacture of Cinnamic Aldehyde from Benzaldehyde and Acetaldehyde
47. Manufacture of Cresol from Cracked Naphta
48. Manufacture of Crotonaldehyde from Acetaldehyde
50. Manufacture of Cumene from α-Methyl Styrene
51. Manufacture of Cyclohexanol from Cyclohexane
52. Manufacture of Cyclohexanon from Cyclohexanol
53. Manufacture of Delayed Coking Unit
54. Manufacture of Diacetone Alcohol from Acetone
55. Manufacture of Diazonium Chloride from Aromatic Amin, HCl and NaNO2
57. Manufacture of Dichlorobutan from TetraHydroFuran
60. Manufacture of Diglicol Amin from Diethylene Glicol and Ammonia
61. Manufacture of Diisopropyl Ether from Propylene
66. Manufacture of Disodioctadiene from NaOH and Butadiene
68. Manufacture of DodecylBenzene from Dodecene and Benzene
70. Manufacture of Epoksidasi Methyl Oleat
81. Manufacture of Ethyl Chloride from Ethanol and HCl
82. Manufacture of Ethyl Hexene from Ethyl Propyl Acrolein and Hydrogen
83. Manufacture of Ethyl Morfolin from DiGlycol Amin and Ethanol
84. Manufacture of Ethyl Nitrit from Ethanol, Ammonia and Air
88. Manufacture of Formamide from Methyl Format and Amonia
95. Manufacture of Gypsum from Ca(OH)2 and H2SO4
99. Manufacture of Hydrogen Peroxide from Ethyl-Quinon
100. Manufacture of IsoButane from n-Butane
101. Manufacture of IsoPentane from n-Pentane
102. Manufacture of IsoPrene from IsoPentane
104. Manufacture of Light CaCO3 from Limestone
105. Manufacture of Lithopone from Zink Sulfat and Barium Sulfat
106. Manufacture of LNG from Coalbed Methane
109. Manufacture of Melamine from Urea
110. Manufacture of Methanol from Natural Gas
112.  Manufacture of Methyl Anilin from Clorobenzene and Methyl Amin
115.  Manufacture of Methyl Ester Oleic from Oleic Acid and Methanol
118.  Manufacture of Methyl Methacrylate from Hydroxy IsoButirat
123.  Manufacture of Minyak Goreng from Biji Bunga Matahari
125.  Manufacture of Mono Chloro Decane from n-Decane and Chlorine
129.  Manufacture of Morfolin from Diethanol Amin
130.  Manufacture of Nitrobenzene from Benzene and Mixed Acid
131.  Manufacture of Nitropropane from Nitric Acid and Propane
132.  Manufacture of Oxygene Liquid from Air
137.  Manufacture of Percloro Ethylene from Ethylene Dichloride and Chlorine
143.  Manufacture of Poly Ethylene from Ethylene
144.  Manufacture of Poly Styrene from Styrene
145.  Manufacture of Poly Vinyl Acetat (Emultion) from Vinyl Acetat
146.  Manufacture of Poly Vinyl Alcohol from Poly Vinyl Acetat
147.  Manufacture of Propane Deasphalting Unit
148.  Manufacture of Propanol from Sintesis Gas and Ethylene
151.  Manufacture of Propyl Acetate from Acetic Acid and Propanol
152.  Manufacture of Sabun Transparan from Asam Stearat
153.  Manufacture of Sodium Bicarbonat from CO, NH4OH and NaCl
155.  Manufacture of Sodium DodecylBenzene Sulfonat from DodecylBenzene, Oleum and NaOH
156.  Manufacture of Sodium Hypochloride from Brine
159.  Manufacture of Styrene from Ethylbenzene
160.  Manufacture of Sugar from Cane ( Sulfite Process)
162.  Manufacture of Trimethyl Borat from Boric Acid
164.  Manufacture of Vinyl Acetat from Acetic Acid and Acetylene
166.  Manufacture of Vinyl Cyanide (Acrylonitryle) from Ethylene Cyanohydrine
169.  Manufacture of Zirconium Oxychloride from Zircon Sand (pasir sirkon)

1.   Manufacture of Acrylic Acid from Ethylene Oxide and HCN
2.   Manufacture of Benzoic Acid from Toluene
4.   Manufacture of HydroxyIsobutirat Acid from IsoButylene Glycol and HNO3
13. Manufacture of Salicylic Acid from Phenol, NaOH and CO2
14. Manufacture of Salicylic Acid from Sodium Phenoxide (C6H5ONa) and CO2

8 komentar:

  1. Manufacture of Maleic Anhydride from Butene and Air masih belum selesai ya penulisannya ? :(

    1. Bahannya sudah ada, cuma waktunya yang blm sempat. Terimakasih atas kunjungannya.

  2. maaf bang minta tolong disegerakan penulisan untuk "Manufacture of Benzyl Alcohol from Benzyl Chloride and Na2CO3" dong. terimakasih..

  3. Untuk judul ini belum selesai ya penulisannya "Manufacture of Propyl Acetate from Acetic Acid and Propanol"

    1. Judul ini prosesnya tidak berbeda jauh dengan butyl acetate.
      Tinggal melihat titik didih propyl acetat dan propanol untuk
      bisa menentukan proses pemisahan yang tepat di menara distilasi.
      Kinetika bisa mengambil dari butyl asetat atau ethyl acetate
      karena analog hampir sama.

    2. Oke.. Makasih masukannya buat pertanyaan saya

  4. Selamat siang pak, apakah bapak memiliki referensi untuk perancangan pabrik tetrafluorethylene dari chlorodifluoromethane? Terutama untuk Process Engineering Flow Diagram nya
    Apabila bapak bisa membantu saya sangat berterima kasih 😊

    1. Saya tidak punya Process Engineering Flow Diagramnya.
      Tapi patentnya dan literatur yang lain ada.
